Mr. Jeyakumar V. P. Managing Trustee
My struggle with life started at a very young age, which conditioned me to traverse the tough roads of success, through endless exposure to realities of life with cumbersome experimentations.
In pursuit of success, I ventured into many experiences, both significant and insignificant. In the beginning of my career itself I had the privilege to be associated with successful personalities who were both humble and intellectuals in their fields. These opportunities gave me an insight to the huge aberrations in the Basic Education to which we are exposed.
Yes, every student goes through the grind ultimately ending up with the school certificate or graduate degree, but he may or may not imbibe the art of learning, creative thinking, hard work, sincerity, dedication and mutual respect for fellow brethren.
This bitter yet true exposure has been impacting me for a long time, the outcome of this, being a dream school - Tiaano Vidyashrm whose environment will blossom and strengthen every child to meet the future challenges, before he/she inches towards adolescence.